Interiors/Contract showroom shared in Madrid


Permanent showrooms each shared by 12 complementary (non-competing) companies for the joint promotion of their products and brands in the contract sector specializing in furnishings for communal spaces (hospitality, retail, corporate, public spaces, etc.).



  • Joint promotion of the participating companies’ products and brands and showcasing the contract channel.
  • Networking with opinion leaders and purchasing managers in the contract hospitality sector.
  • Detecting business opportunities in terms of contract projects for the participating companies.

Key features:

  • Showroom area in a unique building in an unbeatable location in Madrid with great transport links.
  • Contacts exchanged. The showroom gives participants a special opportunity to network exclusively with professional opinion leaders and purchasing managers.
  • Shared showroom manager for the management of the space, attention of the visits and promotion for the attraction of visitors. The showroom manager is an architect or interior designer with a commercial profile, which guarantees good technical knowledge and attention to visits.
  • Mutual recommendations. The participating companies generate traffic in the showroom and share their contacts.
  • Common framework created on a customized basis for each showroom.
  • Intensive communication managed by CENFIM (databases of activities in the contract hospitality sector: InteriHOTEL, Pop-ups, HiContract, etc.).
  • Activities and events: Technical sessions, company events and networking events.



2020, C/. Velázquez, 35 4º D, Madrid


Applicable results for companies

  • Participation in a showroom in an unbeatable location, aimed at opinion leaders and purchasing managers in the contract hospitality sector.
  • Networking with purchasing managers and opinion leaders in the contract hospitality channel.
  • Identification and development of business opportunities in the field of contract projects.


With the support of

For the start-up of the showroom.




Project promoted by